Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday evenings.

So.. I went Pologround.. To train.. Bboying.. And then.. I.. I saw chicks :O I mean.. There were. Plenty...

It's decided! Every Thursday evening! >:D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Skoolz of Breakin'. Profo Won/Ynot

The workshop was pretty good.. No doubt.. But the trip.. It was ok.. I mean.. We got lost.. The train was delayed.. And the dancing was just... Not enough.. Not hardcore enough... So.. Anyways..

The train left at 1:45pm.. Saturday.. Reached KL Central at 4:40.. We then took the LRT to Kelana Jaya and then a bus to Kota Damansara.. We missed our stop.. Just by a bit.. And so we walked.. And walked.. Missed our "stop".. AGAIN! When we realised that, we found the studio, of course.. Royal Phantom Studio.. Reached, register and workshop started right after.. I was fuckin' hungry...

They taught mainly concepts.. About grooving and rocking.. How it started.. It didn't start out as battles and cyphers.. Bboying started out as a party.. People would be rocking to the beats.. And that's how it was back then.. The rest is pretty hard to explain in a blog.. After the workshop.. People were like.. Chatting and going home.. Wtf? Me, Chris and Nicholas was like.. Cyphering there.. Everyone else would just watch and go home or something.. I mean.. C'mon.. Everyone in the room is a bboy...

Anyways.. After all that.. Stayed over at Nick's house and went Sunway the next day.. Bla bla bla.. Got myself a Puma Suede.. McD for lunch.. Bus to Kelana jaya, LRT to Kl Central.. Cyphered with Chris while waiting for the train.. Which got delayed.. Twice.. 6:05 to 6:50 to 7:30... Reached Ipoh And that was it...


Fellest says they'll be bringing in Ken Swift next time.. What the fuck..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hardcore Training

I been dancing 3 days in a row.. Saturday till Sunday.. Took 1 day off.. And then 3 hours on Tuesday... Imma dance on Wednesday or Thursday.. Take 1,2 days off before heading to KL for Profo Won/Ynot's workshop this Saturday... :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Not that I'm celebrated it.. I'm just gonna post some pictures here.. You'll like them.. Only if you're a StarCraft person though..

And that's it.. Happy.. Uh.. Belated Valentines Day???

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese New Year

Yes.. Let's talk about China New Year.. As you know.. We won a bottle of vodka.. So.. New Year came.. Everyone's home.. Bottoms up.. Played this stupid drinking game.. Got Chris to down.. Enough times to get him messed up.. I guess.. Wasn't much, but anyways... Chris texts me.. At.. 5:21am..

"I will never play that game with ya'll anymore! I vomit like shit!"

I laughed and replied..

"Happy CNY to you too :)"

Ah... The wonders of alcohol... Well, that's pretty much it.. And the bottle's finished..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year

What up, guys.. Just wanna wish 'God knows who reads my blog' a Happy Chinese New Year :)